2024 glow up ✨

Hi friends !

New year, new me? It can sound cliché, but every year I feel like there is something special in the air around new year. I like the fact that we get to start again, shed old habits and create new better ones. And yes, every year around January I like to think about what I want the new year to bring me, where I should put my focus and my energy.

This year, I really want to place it under the word « upgrade ». Better. Healthier. Happier. Smarter. Here are the main changes I want to implement :

  1. Movement. I have been practicing sport regularly for the last 10 years, but this year I want to implement weight lifting. I joined a gym last October and decided to train every week. I first started with two sessions, and progressively went up to three then four. I maintained this schedule up to the middle of February. But since the end of February I have been feeling more inclined to do pilates at home. I have been practicing on my mat at home everyday or so in March, using the MWH app (I made a blog post about the MWH method, if you’re interested). I know I will be back in the gym soon, but for now I am diving head first into pilates daily.
  2. Food. I have been trying to curve my sugar cravings by eating more protein daily. And I have to say it’s been working quite fine.
  3. Water. I bought a water filter and some water bottles to carry with me : one at work, one in my car, one for the gym. I aim to drink 2 liters of water every day. I wasn’t drinking tons of soda, but I used to have a Monster (not sponsored ah!) here and there. I still enjoy it, but it’s more rare now.
  4. Sleep. I have noticed that when I exercise, I get very sleepy around 10 PM. I turn off the TV at least 30 minutes before going to bed, to give time to my brain to quietly shut off.
  5. Mindset. Last but not least, let’s not forget the importance of a positive mindset.

Status update : the sugar cravings are sneaky little things who love to come up whenever I feel more stressed or have low energy. So I would say I am currently working on that one 😅🙏

I will keep you posted on my progress throughout the year

Take care,

Marie 💖

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